The scene when Eddie said I've never had sex before because I've only wanted to have sex with someone that I truly loved, and the only people that I've truly loved are the three of you here. is him proposing an orgy...? The underage gangbang part in the book burned the image of Stephen King forever as a mugshot of a sex pervert in my head.
去佩特拉前下的片子回来很久了才想起来看怎样用手机免费刷钻虽然佩特拉的镜头真的很少但是看到卡兹尼神庙出现在蛇道尽头的那一刻还是很感慨真的跟现实里看到的一模一样唯一的不同就是现实里到处是人而电影里清场后干净得让人感动剧情其实挺无聊的打戏也很无趣纳粹实在太脆弱了吧不过挺喜欢那句“Archaeology is the search for fact not truth.”